Polio vaccine: biOPV & IPV (Inactivated Polio Vaccine)

IPV is a safe and effective vaccine used to protect against polio, a highly infectious viral disease that primarily affects the nervous system. IPV plays a vital role in global efforts to eradicate polio. It is one of the recommended vaccines used in routine immunization schedules worldwide to prevent the spread of poliovirus.


IPV is usually administered as an injection into the muscle, typically in the thigh or upper arm.

Immunization Schedule:

The first dose should be administered at birth in form of biOPV.

IPV schedule at 6-10-14 weeks followed by an IPV booster at 15-18 months and at 4-6 years of age.

Vaccine Efficacy:

IPV is highly effective in preventing polio and provides immunity against all three types of poliovirus (type 1, type 2, and type 3). It stimulates the body’s immune system to produce antibodies that protect against the poliovirus.

Importance of Vaccination:

IPV vaccination in preventing polio infection and its potential complications, including paralysis and even death. Vaccination is crucial for individual protection and for achieving global polio eradication.

Vaccine Safety:

The vaccine has undergone extensive testing for safety and efficacy and is approved for use by reputable health authorities. Common side effects are generally mild, such as temporary soreness or redness at the injection site.

Emergency Cases

OPD Timing

Monday – Saturday 

Morning :- 10:30 AM To  01:30 PM

Evening :- 05:30 PM To  08:30 PM

Sunday Only Emergency